b-52 in environment
b-52 in environment
b-52 in environment
b-52 against white background


깔루아, 크림 리큐어, 트리플 섹

4.4 from 27 votes


믹스 방법

차가운 샷 글래스에 깔루아를 넣는다. 크림 리큐어 및 트리플 섹를 띄운다.

소개 B-52

The B-52 is one of the most popular shot drinks, it origins from the 1970's. The name actually refers to the band The B-52's and not the B-52 bomber.

It is a triple-layered drink that is perfect to show off your layerings skills.

이 레시피 평가

깔루아 크림 리큐어 트리플 섹